Golden poison dart frog
Phyllobates terribilis
This tiny creature is the most poisonous frog in the world!
The herpetologist who discovered the species in 1978 named them terrribilis specifically to warn others about the terrible nature of the poison the frog produces in its skin.
They get their toxins from ants that they eat, and scientists think the ants might obtain the poison from plants. Their bright colours warn predators that they’re dangerous to eat, which helps to keep them safe.
“Dart frogs” got their name because their poison is used on blow darts in traditional hunting. Most poison dart frogs aren’t used for this reason, but the golden poison frog is one of the minority that is, along with two other closely related frogs. The term “poison dart frog” has since been used generically to describe a large family of closely related colourful frogs.