Macaca nigra
The Sulawesi macaque is an extremely intelligent and social animal, often found in the wild in groups of around 25–30. You might think that sounds like a lot, but before their numbers dramatically declined, they were often seen in groups of up to 100 individuals!
The macaque is one of the most affectionate monkeys on the planet; individuals maintain relationships by grooming one another and communicate with grunts. They have distinct individual personalities, which can be seen in their facial expressions. If you spot them smacking their lips, it is a sign of greeting.
These primates are promiscuous, with both males and females mating multiple times with multiple partners. Their young reach maturity in three to four years, with females maturing more quickly than males.
The species is listed as critically endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, largely because their habitat is disappearing due to illegal logging.
They are the most endangered of the seven macaque species that live in the rainforests of Sulawesi, Indonesia. They are also targeted by poachers and are over-hunted for food, as macaques are considered a local delicacy and are served on special occasions, such as weddings. As a result, their wild numbers are believed to have plummeted by around 80% in the last 30 years.
Johanna Rode-Margono, our South East Asia Conservation Field Programme Officer, says:
“It’s important to us that our new Islands zone – and the amazing species living in it – helps us to shine a spotlight on the conservation work we’re doing in the field to protect some of South East Asia’s most endangered animals. We are working with the local people in Sulawesi and providing support to help save the forests and the diverse animal species living there.”